FRS/DFDS Ferry App

Book your route in the most comfortable way:

Tarifa - Tanger, Algeciras - Tanger Med and Ceuta - Algeciras

Download now our App.


With our App, you can book your ferry wherever and whenever you like. 

Furthermore, if you save your personal details on your personal account, you can then use them for all future trips. It’s flexible and very easy to use, and is particularly helpful to those people who travel regularly.

We are different because:

  • Our reservations are easy and quick
  • Check in on line
  • Easy to navigate Menu
  • Availability, leaving hours and prices
  • Quick reservations with your personal account

Relevant information about the functionalities of the APP

Personal account:

With the personal account, you can save your details for future bookings.

Choose currency:

For lines between Morocco and Spain, you can pay for your ferry using either euros or dirhams.

My trips:

You can view all of your previous or upcoming trips, so you will never miss a thing.


The app is available in Spanish, English, French and German. You can select a language from the menu.