Legal Notice
Company information
DFDS Iberia S.L.U., with address at c/ La Línea de la Concepción, 3, 11380 Tarifa - Cádiz (Spain) and C.I.F. B61873519 (Tax ID), and registered in the Trade Register of Cádiz in volume: 1393, Folio: 121, Page: CA 18,790, is the owner of domain (Registration: 15/A Date: 31/01/2008).
DFDS Destination Morocco, S.L.U., with address at C/La Línea de la Concepción, 3, 11380 Tarifa/Cádiz (Spain) and C.I.F. B11529823 (Tax ID) and registered in the Trade Register of Cádiz in volume: 1478, Folio: 217, Page: 21.265. C.I.A.N 11669-3
DFDS Maroc S.A.R.L.A.U, No.13 Office Building, Angle Bd.Med.V et Rue Victor Hugo 9éme étage;No.43, 90000 · Tanger · Maroc. IF: 4904897 ICE: 000085205000014
Red Fish Speedlines D.A.R.L. - IF 14408035 ICE: 000088695000068 3 office building, Angle bd Mohamed V et rue Victor Hugo 43, 90000 - TANGER
Further information:
- Telephone: +34 956 68 18 30
- Fax: +34 956 62 71 80
- Email: [email protected]
Provision of services
The services available on the website will be provided by the following companies:
· DFDS Iberia S.L.U.: Passenger and vehicle ferry transportation
· DFDS Destination Morocco, S.L.U.: Organised excursions